Thursday, January 25, 2007

First day of my exam...

English Paper...haiz... the first day of my exam....the first subject --- english which is my poorest subject.. yet, i tried to study some essay and letter writing format before exam... actually, it doesn't help too much when exam... i should study frequently in order to pass it with flyings colours... in fact, i didnt do that... i study all subjects at the eleventh hour. this is not a good phenomenon. i should put more efforts on this subject from now....(after my exam 1st...hihi.....)
today, something unexpected happened... i lose in timing when exam...... i waste too much time in letter writing which suggested time is 20minutes... at the end... i just got 30minutes left for my comprehension questions and summary question.. Panic-stricken, i did the comprehension questions as fast as i could...i read directly to the questions without reading on text, and find the answer from the text... worse, time and tide wait for no man..the time passing second by second... i roughly write down the answer that i think is correct....instead it is wrong actually.... at the last part...summary question...i jz spent 5 minutes.... i am sure that u can imagine how fast i did tat.... maximun 50 words.... i jz write until 50 then stop...and without further checking on the rest sentences after the last point i gained from the text given. it's no time for me to double check on my answer.... i only can make arrangement on my answer booklets and tied it on....then pass up.... i cant get A anymore i think.... Due to panic circumstances...i cant do well... it's too stress!! cannot maintain the result as last semester alr.... quite depressed...
after this paper.....i stilll got 5 papers to go....., i should take a deep breathe and forget about it..... but i cant do tat... my mind always think at English paper...with full of anxiety.... hopefully i cant control myself.... and ready for the next paper-- BM..... hv to gambate....coz it is not easy to score ... Good Luck and All the Best!!!

January 25, 2007



今天在课室里面,我旁边的问我,你考完试后,还要读什么没有?我说如果可以的话,我会去读cima,并且看能够考到哪个阶段考不过。他听了听,表露出和上一次问我同样问题的表情,然后说那很好。总体说,那种表情应该是种欣赏我勇气的表情。是的,我知道cima的及格率一向比acca低,而且其评分标准比acca要严厉。而且cima也是全世界management accounting里面考试最严格的机构。其及格率要比美国cma要低好一些。下课后,跑去图书馆看点CIMA的书,觉得第一阶段课程内容属于比较基础的会计,数学,经济和法律。至于第二阶段的考试课程似乎很符合我喜欢读的东西。而且看起来大致应该还不太难。我拿着本书,回到我的桌子,看到我对面个隔壁全部都在看着acca的书,尤其是acca part 3,年纪看起来都不小了。他们都在自己写着看着东西。我自己翻了翻看,仔细看里面的内容。(之前已经看过几次,不过这次看得更详细一点,里面由business management,management accounting和financial accounting组成,除了strategic level之外的课程,哪怕是立刻看,都能够理解,并且对于business pillar里面的管理理论,方式等东西都能立刻理解并记住,感觉上如果真正去读和做多多习题,要取得超过50分的合格成绩,应该不至于属于太困难的事情。

我后来出了图书馆,下楼去拿宣传单看,发现我的学院也是有提供cima课程,而且有acca后,可以免去cima的11张papers,我觉得,是了,既然cima能够允许2年半的diploma免去那么多papers,应当其开始考试也不至于好像strategic level或者topcima那么困难的。后来我仔细看了看宣传单,被我发现一个奇怪的事情。那就是在那家学院里面,所有教cima课程的全部都没有cima member资格,他们不是fcca,fcsa就是cma那类其余的专业会计认证。我想教了那么多年,顺道去考cima考试,有那么困难吗?不就用那几天时间,反正导师对于课程内容早就熟透透了。我又走出门外,站在门口想想,我之前也已经知道cima的及格率是比较低的,而且cima的part qualified是所有会计团体的part qualified拿最高薪水的。这个可以证明要完成cima考试是如此的困难,以至只考过部分cima考试的人在职业市场都那么受欢迎。我又想起了cima网站上面写的salary survey,其实cima等管理会计人员也不过在这最近两年才成为薪水排行榜第一名,以前从来都是排在2,3,4名的。而且第一名也没有超过第2名多少。cima在全世界的会员有65000人,学生有7万人。而acca有会员11万人,学生20万人,尽管acca比较偏向于audit and assurance,和ICAEW等性质比较一样,而cima就独特的面向商业领域,cima的性质和美国cma大概相同,都属于管理会计学。我想cima说难,但是也有65000个members呀,马来西亚这么多fcca,acca,acca不过多cima1倍吧了,所以cima难度应该不至于好像传说中那么恐怖。不过我想,我的学哥学姐们都是聪明人,他们选acca必定有他们的理由。但是或者这也涉及到其余因素,比如对传统的依赖,因为我那家学校的老师差不多都是fcca来的,包括教我那个。略为想想,我又去吃了饭,略为走走,我就去上网,我尝试查cima的及格率,不过看起来cima是个比较冷门的科目,即使在网站上面也是,所以并无法找到有用的资料。我突然想起,其实google也未必是最齐全的,我试试yahoo,就在firefox那里选了yahoo search engine,一按,果然找到。(有时候yahoo,msn等其余也是不错的选择。)我看了cima官方网页的第一面,看到各科及格率,哈哈,果然不出所料,cima的各科及格率都在40-50之间,这不至于太恐怖,而且acca的audit and internal review及格率从来都是25-35%的,看起来关于cima的恐怖传说纯粹是属于无稽之谈,并且是人云亦云那种谣言。


于是我又看到passed finalists的名单,我开始欣赏起cima网站的效率起来,其实早就应该如此公布成绩了。我按进去看名字是A的人,看起来不多,我记起马来西亚finalist的及格率起来, 然后我再按B,咦?怎么名字那么少de?是不是网站出错了,还是我误会了?我又检查检查。最后我查下去,大致数一数,2005年cima的passed finalists数目没有超过2000人。 而相信大家关注的是马来西亚的passed finalists是多少,放心,这个任务我已经为大家完成。 2005年马来西亚完成topcima考试,也就是那个有40%及格率那个考试,一共有17人,而16个来自KL,1个来自Penang,其中70%是华人,20%是印度人,10%是马来人。当我看到这个整理出来的数据时候,我彻底被震惊了。这种考试,岂非比cfa还要难?而根据另外一项资料,65%的cima members有acca名称,而且当中90%是考完acca后才去考cima的。我开始思考,肯定有地方出错。70000学生,不到2000个成为finalists?是的,我想到一个可能性,那就是passed finalists的意思不是及格完成者,而是最优异成绩的意思,然后我看到左边有个粉碎了我想法的prize winners,那个似乎才比较像是奖项获得者。写这篇文章出来,是为了填补cima在佳礼以至于在大家认识中的空缺。我希望有个人能够出来和我说,passed finalists不是代表考完全部试的意思,或者那个cima网站的名单并不齐全。 这样或者能够使到我感觉比较欣慰一点。

Based on statistical calculations…
2000年到2005年,acca会员总数增加了30561人,平均一年增加6112人。2000年到2005年,cima会员总数增加了12736人,平均一年增加了2547人。2000年到2005年,acca海外会员增加了16894人,平均一年增加了3378人。2000年到2005年,cima海外会员增加了1756人,平均一年增加了351人。(有够少~ )我上面那个贴子其实是指2005年的11月考过topcima的考生人数,实际上2005年完成cima全部考试的人数有约40人,总共有大约120人参考,及格率30%。以cima年增长率3.7%计算,马来西亚cima毕业生估计人数是1081人。而以另外方式估计,以海外学生比率,acca是181131,cima是29368,比率是6.16个acca学生配1个cima学生。而以海外会员计算,acca有50529会员,而马来西亚2005年的acca会员根据wikipedia的统计是7200人,比率是7:1,那么以cima海外会员计算,cima有13973海外会员,以acca的海外会员:马来西亚会员比率计算,取其学生和会员的中数,即6.5:1,那么以此类推,马来西亚的cima会员应该是2794人。以上方法是不包含增长率的,因为acca的增长率是比cima的增长率快,会员快,acca海外会员年增长率是6%,而cima只有2%。换句话说,如果撇开会员比率,而采取增长率计算法,所得数据会比较可靠。如果以增长率计算,那么估计马来西亚cima会员人数是2000人,而采取海外会员比率和增长率的平均值计算,那么马来西亚cima会员的人数应当是1937人,所以正负误差约为200。结论是,马来西亚cima会员应该是大约2000人。46%的acca会员是海外会员,21%的cima会员是海外会员。2000到2005年内,新增加的acca海外会员占全球会员人数的55%.(acca是成长最快,国际化最成功的会计团体。 )2000到2005年内,新增加的cima海外会员占全球会员人数的13.7%以最终考试及格率计算,也就是毕业前最后一张papers及格率计算,acca是59%,cima是39%,cima的毕业考试及格率是英国6大会计师团体最低的。。

January 21, 2007

so scary!!

i still could remember vividly....this was my 1st time met with "that thing"...
I joined Community Sosiology(CS) in TARC...i still remembered, that was approximately 1 month ago...after my CS's training camp....3days 2nights camp..i arrived home with fully exhausted....damn tired..cant sleep well during the camp...i was extreamely tired when i arrived home...i washed my clothes...take a nap till 8pm that roommate called me wake up...coz my clothes inside the washing machine already done... i woke up n took my bath...lied up my clothes...took my dinner....watched 11.45++
i felt extreamely tired.....i walked to uptair....and get ready to sleep...
my roommate went out with his fren, they went to nasi kandar to watch football( england vs ecuodor)
my roommate got bet...he bet for english...he ask me wan to join or not before he went out....i simply bet in england for rm10....
i slept alone in my room....switched off light.......sleep tight!!
i heard some noisy door sound came from downstair..i thought my roommate back... suddenly, my room's door opened....a white shadow came in..
i didnt know whether that was my dream or reality...
i thought my roommate approached me...
i ask was the results? he said england won 1 0.....
i cant believe that....because england GAVE BALL -1...
if 1 was a draw match...
i asked him full time alr or jz 1st half? he didnt reply me....
he got mentioned beckham free kick goal one..
i not so believe him....coz previously...also beckham free kick...
hence, two hands came from my left and pressed my chest....
i thought my fren angry and pressed i didnt care about it....i dun wan wake up and scold him...
at this moment....i realised that....i talked with who just now?
i started scared....sudddenly.........the two hand become cold.....
i knew tat something unnormal happening.....
i breathed hardly, i cant open my eyes, i cant shout!!
i tried very hard to fight with the powerful energy.....
i won finally...i shouted out softly and i could open my eyes...
after opened my eyes.....i felt more scary....the hands came from my left hand side...and jz now the white shadow that talked with me one stand at my left hand side, left hand side was a white wall.....i slept at the opposite side..
i told myself....jz now i jz dreaming...a scary dream...cozz i very tired...
finally, i took along breath and get out of my room..
my housemate saw my face..she asked me wat's going on?
i told them wat was happened jz now...
after that...
i took up my phone n saw the time ... 12.16am....
my roommate still didnt back home yet......
at 1am....he back.....i now so scary already....
i asked "wat's d results?"
"1 0 england won"
"really?" i asked
i felt a little bit scared....
the dream might be true....
i slept at my housemate room that nite...
i woke up early in the morning...
i remember back wat did "that thing" said last nite...
"oh ya..he got told me that....beckham free kick made the score 1 0"
i told my housemate...they asked my roommate.....who scored yesterday?
he said....beckham kick o...
damn ... its real.....
i felt very scared at that moments...
i asked my roomate...what time beckham free kick and goal? he said 64minutes...approximately 12.20am
i was shocked...that thing pressed me at approx. 12.00am....

August 08, 2006