Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Business LAW paper....

This week... all DAC students ought to take LAW test, and me too. Test is held during tutorial class of each group. My class Y2M10's test was at yesterday. This time, same as usual, i did study, but at the eleventh hour. The day before test i only start to memorise all the Section, the definition, the sources of malaysia and law of contracts.

Before my exam, i have heard that the result of previous class which have taken past few days. A lot of people score 50/50. (Full Mark). Does it very easy? how come so many ppl scored full mark? i was wonder that can i scored full mark as well? It is undeniable the fact that I am scholarship holder.......My Sisters ARE Lawyers..... So, i gave myself a big mission. That is ... i want good result. Perhaps these factors made me felt pressure when i entered into my test on wednesday 9am. Test is resitable if u not yet prepared. This is what my tutor, Mr Bernard Chew told me at the morning. when tutor passing the test question paper around, when i saw the question... OMG! I didnt memorize.. i dunno how to do half of 10 questions. what is ratio dedidendi, obiter dicta, declaratory and original precedents? what is consideration and its exemption? what is void and voidable contract? what is certainty? what is .... blar blar blar..
I raise my hand and ask...

" Sir, can i retake tommorrow? i have not prepared yet."
" Yup, Sure... u can! Keep ur things and see u tommorrow...."

I regret to be "Chicken" and let my tutor disappointed when i leave the class...
Mr Bernard asked me when i was going out... " Enghwa, u r scholarship holder, really cannot meh?
I replied, "cannot, perhaps i need more time for this" and gv him a smile.

i went to library after going out.
i saw M37 guys and M9 guys, Vishnu and Sara...
M37 test is after my class at 10.30am. while M9 is at 3pm.
Suddenly i changed my mind... i decided to go at 3pm test with M9.
Time and tide wait for no man, i can sense that time passed by quickly in between 10am - 3pm..
in this few hours, my mind has installed some new knowledge about law..

i lazy to go for another test on tommorow. so i went to M9 class.
OMG again.. the ques damn difficult.. i dunno 3 questions although i have recharged my knowledge ....
sob dude.... Court System in Malaysia... and other 2 questions i dunno... but i still can write out the answer.. jz not correct absolutely.
i want 50/50... so after discuss with mr bernard again...
i decided to resit tomorrow.
some friends in that class advised me that why u retake again, ur answer got 2 pages, sure can pass d...
i check my answer with my fren who jz finished marking on the spot.. that paper, i can score 35marks... i think..
but finally, i didnt pass up...
dunno why i didnt pass up..
may be what i want is nt merely a pass...
instead, it is pass with flying colours...

i resited the test this morning..
everything comes smoothly and fine...
hope can score well.
got to prepare my tamadun d..
havent study yet

Sunday, November 25, 2007


进入拉曼学院,这里的读书风俗都是在考试last minute才开始读的。而我也当然如此啦!从sem1到sem4。。我的成绩也算蛮理想的(都是幸运得来的)。。。只是year2 sem1 (Sem4)有点不幸运。。使到我CGPA从3.94跌到3.87。。每次考试我都是在考试前1-3天才读。。我朋友们都不相信这是事实。

就像上星期的test..我说我还没开始读,大家都不相信。。。打电话来的朋友,问我有空吗?要和我借课本,我说我还没动到,等下要读。。他马上就cheh我,说我别撒谎了。。没选择下,我说了个谎话,说我读完了,可是要读第二遍,所以不能借你哦。。。那天晚上,我一边读书,一边在想,怎么大家都不相信我呢?读书读到床上去,结果睡着了。。隔天早上,6点就惊醒了。。因为没读到我下午5点30要考的Business Economic...

我从早上6点读到11am..skip 9am的lecture.... 上11点的Audit tutorial...
到一点就回家pia chek了。。。1.30pm的law lecture也skip了。。。
这次test考5课而已,elasticity, market policy suppy and demand, externality, perfect competition, monopoly..
结果,essay 2选一,第一题:
part i) deadweight lost (我会)
part ii) public policies towards externality (我什么都不会,只是知道有2个graphs - Pigovian Tax/Collective Tax 和 tradeable pollution permit) ...
part i) 关于perfect competition,为什么MR会等于MC? (graph我会,可是不会分那里条是MR and MC)
part ii) 关于monopoly的 (graph我会)
希望deadweight loss的那题能拿到很高分。。。
然后,part ii...我画了那两个graphs...就开始乱发言了。。。
他告诉我,last minute读书,是用在前几sem的,可是这个semester不能了。。
我们现在读到的,和advance diploma (ACCA Advance paper) 都息息相关。
他开始努力了,而我还在原点,我要追上他。。。!! aza aza fighting!!

考试前的study week, 在hometown一直被爸爸唤来呼去,才学会format电脑,爸就把所有分行有毛病的电脑都搬回来。。studyweek里,我大概format了6架。。。整个studyweek就这样没了。。 考试前几天我就回hostel了。。因为我在家不能读书。。。幸好每科都有time slack 1-3天,这time slack里的苦读。。。都是值得。。 成绩出来,我拿到4.0.. 好幸运,都是刚好拿A的吧!
Sem 2, sem 3, sem 4都是这样。。。考试期的time slack拿来pia chek...
最幸运的应该是sem4.. 我的MIS and OHR...读什么出什么。。记得什么就出。。。选择题的essay..我就刚刚好会要我们做的那几体。。有的1-2题不会,都是自己乱乱写出来的。。。把统统有关的常识写下去。。 出来,幸好输给我班的神童一点点。。。。
这个sem.. grading system 换了。。。80%才A...75%就A-... A-, 3.75。。。差多哦。。。怕怕!
这sem 一科不好就要跟elite level的CGPA.. 3.85以上说再见了。。。。
3.85才能拿到100% 奖学金。。
从今开始。。 我要努力了。。。