Hey everyone, I arrived at the United States safely and everything is fine here.
I have uploaded some photos to my Facebook. You guys can check it out!
Eau Claire is really a nice place to stay in. It is a peaceful land. If you feel tired about city life where is chaos and crowded all the time, you can spend you entire life here after your retirement. It is so cool!!
I will update my blog in every weekends. Stay tune.
Here it is:
This was my first time travelling so far away from home. And, I was travelling alone!!

First pit stop: From Kuala Lumpur to Singapore
I stayed at Transit Hotel in Changi Airport!! Kind of boring...

Next Station: Singapore to Narita Tokyo Airport

I got to wait about 3 hours in Japan. McD, I'm loving it.. I changed some money at the money changer counter and bought Fresh Prawn Burger in Japan McDonalds. It was so tasty!! Cant find it in Malaysia!! RM100 just for approximately 2200YEN.

Foods on the plane!! Delicious!!

After another 10hours flight, I reached Minneapolis St. Paul, Minnesota Airport!! Tired! Not enough sleep... Jet Lag!!

Welcome to Minneapolis St Paul International Airport!!