ACCA is the largest and fastest-growing international accounting body with 240,000 students and 105,000 members in over 170 countries..ACCA's mission is to be the leading global professional accountancy body by reputation, influence and size, offering the first choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. ACCA's reputation is grounded in over 100 years of providing accounting and finance qualifications and its long traditions are complemented by modern thinking, backed by a predominantly young and dynamic membership.
This degree has been jointly designed by the University and ACCA to meet the requirements of a degree and also those of a professional qualification. Students of ACCA are now automatically registered for the Oxford Brookes University degree when they enrol with ACCA. As soon as they have completed Parts 1 and 2 of ACCA's professional examinations, they may submit a "Research and Analysis Project" to Oxford Brookes University which will be assessed by the University Business School staff.
This collaboration offers ACCA's students the opportunity to:
- gain a further prestigious award
- gain recognition of achievement within a professional development scheme/career path
- establish a 'firmer foundation' to further professional development.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
The standard fee for the project is currently £50 sterling, payable to Oxford Brookes University.
How do I get the degree?
If you are eligible and opted into the scheme, have passed Parts 1 and 2 of the ACCA examinations you may submit a Research and Analysis Project to Oxford Brookes University which is then marked by the University. If this Project is passed then the degree is awarded. You must submit your Project to Oxford Brookes within ten years after the date of your initial registration with ACCA.
How do I decide if I am eligible?
All ACCA students enrolled since January 2001 are eligible to submit for the degree, unless they have opted out when they initially registered with ACCA.
I passed some papers before the new scheme started in December 2001, am I still eligible?
You may be - the conditions are quite complex and you need to look at the transition regulations on the ACCA websites. Briefly, students who were enrolled with ACCA before January 2001 must have satisfied the transition rules and opted into the programme. The transition rules require either old papers 6,8 and 10 (or their equivalent) to have been passed after June 2000 or papers 9,10 and 11(but not their equivalent) to have been passed after June 2000
I have some exemptions from the ACCA Papers. Can I still get the degree?
ACCA may award exemptions towards Parts 1 and Parts 2. However, Papers 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 must be completed to obtain the Degree. You may if you wish waive your exemptions to papers 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 in order to remain eligible for the degree.
How do I enrol with Oxford Brookes University?
You don't need to - you will however normally be registered with Oxford Brookes University automatically through ACCA when you enrol with them.
How do I register?
If you enrolled with ACCA after January 2001 then you have automatically been opted in to the degree scheme, unless you specifically asked not to be. Students enrolled before then were informed that they needed to opt in before November 2001.
Is it a full university degree?
The degree is a full honours degree and is equivalent to all other Oxford Brookes University Bachelors honours degrees, which are recognised around the world. The degree awarded is subject to inspection by the UK QAA (Quality Assurance Agency). Students from over 40 countries have already graduated.
Do I have to attend Oxford Brookes University?
No, the course is designed to be studied by Distance Learning.
Can I attend Oxford Brookes University in Oxford?
No, Oxford Brookes University does not offer ACCA tuition for this programme.
Can I talk to someone at the Oxford Brookes University ACCA Office?
Try the website and the ACCA first. Otherwise get in contact by e-mailing
How do I graduate?
Following the assessment of the projects an Examination Board is held in Oxford. Results letters are then sent out to all students. Certificates will be sent out to students who have passed as soon as possible after the results letters.
Will I be able to attend a Graduation Ceremony?
All students will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony in Oxford normally in September each year. There will normally be a small charge for this ceremony. Additionally, ceremonies are planned in various other countries which may be more convenient. All graduates are entitled to full membership of the Oxford Brookes University Alumni Association.
How do I find out more about the Project?
You should go to the ACCA website, where you can download the project guidelines which give full instructions as to how to prepare for the project and how to submit it.
When do I submit the Project?
There are two opportunities each year to submit the project, each window of opportunity being six or seven weeks long. The ACCA website gives the timetable for submission.
How many times can I submit the Project?
There is no limit, but you must submit your Project to Oxford Brookes within ten years after the date of your initial registration with ACCA.
The Qualification
If successful, the student is awarded the degree of BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting.
Are there any recommended centres for studying ACCA and for this degree?
The ACCA has a number of Registered Centres. Some of these are designated Premier Centres and a few of these are Premier Plus Centres. Full details of all of the centres are available on the ACCA website
- Programme aims:
One of the principle aims of the degree is to widen access to Oxford Brookes degrees and enable thousands of students across the world to have the opportunity to obtain an Oxford Brookes degree which would otherwise be impossible because of lack of finance and geographical mobility.
Oxford Brookes University believes that the subject matter of accounting requires a vocational component which focuses specifically on those elements of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective job performance in this important area, and this degree aims to meet those needs.
A further aim of this degree is to ensure that Oxford Brookes University has an input into developing the professional and competent accounts and business advisors of the future.
Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated
The ACCA papers:
Students prepare for these papers by a variety of modes, full-time study, part-time study or Open Learning from private and state providers throughout the world.
Assessment is entirely by examination in accordance with the ACCA’s own procedures as supplemented by Brookes quality control processes.
Research and Analysis project
Students prepare for this project by a variety modes, full-time study, part-time study or Open Learning from private and state providers throughout the world.
Assessment is based on the submission of the project to Oxford Brookes University and evaluation by Brookes academic staff.
Summary of Old and New schemes ACCA showing credits
Module A |
| 35 | 1 | 1.1 Preparing Financial statements (=P1) | 35 | 1 |
| 40 | 2 | 1.2 Financial Information for management (= P3) | 35 | 1 | |
Module B |
| 35 | 1 | 1.3 Managing People (=P4) | 35 | 1 |
| 35 | 1 | PART 2 | |||
CERTIFICATE | 2.1 Information Systems (=P5) | 40 | 2 | |||
Module C |
| 40 | 2 | 2.2 Corporate and Business Law (=P2) | 40 | 2 |
| 40 | 3 | 2.3 Business Taxation (=P7) | 40 | 2 | |
Module D |
| 40 | 2 | 2.4 Financial management and Control (=P8) | 40 | 3 |
| 40 | 3 | 2.5 Financial Reporting (=P10) | 40 | 3 | |
2.6 Audit and Internal Review (=P6) | 40 | 3 | ||||
PROFESSIONAL | Eligibility for Oxford Brookes University Degree | |||||
Module E |
| 40 | 3 | Research and Analysis project | 15 | 3 |
| 40 | 3 | Papers in bold must be taken and not credited in | |||
| 40 | 3 | ||||
Research and Analysis project | 15 | 3 | ||||
Papers in bold are Brookes papers and transitional rules apply |
B Sc. (Hons) Applied Accounting L1 105 L2 120 L3 135 TOTAL CREDITS (min) 360 | B Sc. (Hons) Applied Accounting L1 105L2 120 L3 135 TOTAL CREDITS 360 |

Eligibility for OBU degree:-
1.) F7-F9 must be taken externally to get OBU degree.
2.) If take AAC but still want OBU degree, must waive your exemptions to papers F7, F8, F9 in order to remain eligible for the degree.
As a result, Diploma In Accounting in TARC still can get OBU degree.
But, once you take AFA or AAC in TARC, you cannot claim OBU degree.
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