On my left is the directly ACCA external examination papers. As a Diploma in Accounting (DAC) in Tunku Abdul Rahman College(TARC), now, two options for you to continue your next part of life in ACCA studies. There are direct ACCA externally assessed in *Sunway University College (Or other like IPG, McOrange, Kasturi, Segi) and Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting) (AFA) cum ACCA Fundamentals (skills module) and external professional level.
Below are the rules and regulation for Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting) Course
1.In any one examination sitting, a candidate is allowed to take a maximum of seven (7) units.
2.Each unit passed will be credited. Grades from each attempt will be recorded on the transcript.
3.Grades C- and D are FAIL grades where the grades for certain specified units may be redeemed to a pass PROVIDED the candidate obtains a FINAL minimum CGPA of 2.0000 and fulfilling other requirements, if any.
4. A candidate who fails a unit must resit or repeat the unit as decided by the Board of Examiners.
5. In the case of a resit or repeat unit, the latest grade obtained will be taken for computation of the CGPA.
6. Year I of study
A candidate will be examined in all units covered in each semester. At the end of the 2nd semester, the Board of Examiners may, at its discretion decide as follows:
6.1 | (a) | a candidate who has ANY failed unit, MUST RESIT the unit(s) in which he has failed in the 3rd Semester – Resit Examination. A candidate who does not take the Resit Examination will be allowed to REPEAT the failed unit(s) in the following academic year (Repeat Year) or required to leave the course of study. |
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| (b) | a candidate who has performed poorly will be allowed to REPEAT the failed units in the following academic year (Repeat Year) or required to leave the course of study. |
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6.2 | After the 3rd Semester Resit Examination, a candidate who carries only one (1) failed unit will be allowed to proceed to the Year II of study. Candidates who are not allowed to proceed to the Year II of study will be required to REPEAT ALL the failed units in the following academic year (Repeat Year). | |
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6.3 | At the end of the Repeat Year, a candidate who carries only one (1) failed unit will be allowed to proceed to the Year II of study. Candidates who are not allowed to proceed to the Year II of study will be required to leave the course of study. |
[A candidate who carries any failed Year I unit into the Year II of study, will NOT be allowed to CLAIM for exemption from ACCA and the candidate will be required to take the ACCA external examination.]
7. Year II of study
A candidate will be examined in all units covered in each semester. At the end of the 2nd semester, the Board of Examiners may, at its discretion decide as follows:
7.1 | (a) | a candidate who has a total of five (5) or less Year II failed units, MUST RESIT the unit(s) in which he has failed in the Resit Examination in June. A candidate who does not take the Resit Examination will be allowed to REPEAT the failed unit(s) in the following academic year (Repeat Year) or required to leave the course of study. |
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| (b) | a candidate who has a total of six (6) or more Year II failed units will be allowed to REPEAT the failed units in the following academic year (Repeat Year) or required to leave the course of study. |
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7.2 | After the 3rd Semester Resit Examination, the Board of Examiners may, at its discretion decide as follows: | |
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| (a) | a candidate who carries a total of three (3) or less Year I and Year II failed units will be allowed to resit the failed unit(s). |
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| (b) | a candidate who carries a total of four (4) or more Year I and Year II failed units will be allowed to REPEAT the failed units in the following academic year or required to leave the course of study. |
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7.3 | At the end of Year II of study, a candidate who has not fulfilled all requirements for graduation may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be allowed to repeat/resit all failed units within the academic year immediately after Year II of study, failing which the candidate will be required to leave the course of study. |
How is your feeling now after read this rules and regulation enforced by TARC authority?
Does it difficult to pass?
I can conclude that It is high risk, but low return.
To support what i have written above stated, my explanations of "TARC is high risk, but low return" are as followings:
TARC Disavantages and Direct ACCA Externally Advantages:
1. TARC advance diploma is too risky because if u failed and proceed to Year 2 of AFA, you cannot claim for exemption from ACCA.
"[A candidate who carries any failed Year I unit into the Year II of study, will NOT be allowed to CLAIM for exemption from ACCA and the candidate will be required to take the ACCA external examination."
2. Assuming that you are able to pass all the unit and graduate with AFA. You will get Advance Diploma and ACCA, but no degree. To obtain your degree, your have to take your advance diploma which is always said as"equivalent to a degree" and go Sheffield Hallam University, UK to top up become a degree.
3. It is denifitely expensive for ACCA and UK Honour Degree. People always saying that TARC is the college which required the cheapest tuition fees in Malaysia. Indeed, you will NOT get any degree unless you go UK. Now, go UK you have to spend RM30K. Based on anticipated inflation rate for becoming two year, the time we go UK i think it requires RM40K because of FOREX fluatuation as well. Therefore, do study in TARC cheaper? It is denifitely wrong in long run. Furthermore, in Advance Diploma, do not forget that you have to pay for exemption fees although you are internally assessed from F1 to F9. For Part 1, it is €47. Part 2 is €53 and Part 3 is €63.
4. Opportunity forgone if you take Advance Diploma is you cannot get the world recognition although you scored well in ACCA internal paper. If you are a excellent student in TARC, although you scored well in ACCA, you cannot get the valuable certificate which recognised by the global ACCA and all industries. If you do it externally and you are the world top student for certain paper, you will get recognition certificate for ACCA for that particular paper you passed with flying colours. Eg: Top Student in the World for F4 Corporate and Business Law.
5. If you go do it externally, if you failed for some particular papers, you can resit it and the pass unit is valid thus recognised by ACCA. ACCA allows you to take a maximum of 4 papers half a year. Examination will be held during June and December. You can do your degree after you passed all the PART 2 papers. The degree is Oxford Brooke Degree, UK. Assuming that you passed all without failure papers, (4papers+3papers+3papers) that means you can finish your ACCA in another 1 and half year as you are being exempted from F1 to F4 (Corporate and Business Law) in DAC.
Why i choose Sunway University College?
The information i gathered until now are as followings:
1.The tuition fees for :
--Part 2 subjects is RM1100 per papers.(Except F7 RM1300)
--Part 3 subjects is RM1300 per papers.
4 subjects equivalent to 1 semester. July 1, 2008 Intake. Being exempted from F1-F4 (DAC,TARC).
2. Sunway University College is different from IPG, Mc Orange, Kasturi. It has college compound and university life. It is differ form IPG or others which are merely a tuition centre.
3. High standard in Sunway University College with the latest technology in all facilities and equipments.
( Disclaimer: It is just some opinions gathered after surveying in TARC)
5. Other than that, TARC at Setapak and around Genting Klang. Those places are categorized as DANGEROUS area in Wangsa Maju. Not only criminal cases, but murderer cases, snatch thief killed students, rape..... Social illness is uncontrollable. Think twice before go there. Do not be lure by the temptation of cheaper tuition fees.
Ponder about what i have said. I am regret for no go for CAT after my SPM. If i did, i will doing Part 3 now, as my friend in Sunway who same SPM batch with me. So, for those SPM fresh grad who are interesting in ACCA, please go directly for ACCA.
Comment me if anything is wrong and you may leave a comment regarding your feelings and opinions. Thanks for spending your valuable time.
Disclaimer: Aboved passage is all of my personal opinion. Copyright reserved.
C.C : Chinese Cari - http://chinese4.cari.com.my/myforum/viewthread.php?tid=1148830&extra=page%3D2
----我是DAC , Y2学生,已经不可能回去拿CAT.
你在sunway fail只剩下一个cat cert给你。他的确快,但没那样保险,看你选择么路。。。。
----ACCA可以用10年时间给你考到完为止。TARC就有保险吗?如果Fail Unit 从y1去y2,没有exemption可以claim from ACCA.
没有,我还是 坚信,有了acca(profesional cert)的人,一张degree已经不重要了。。。。不过如果想体验外国生活倒是不错。。。
---对! 体验外国生活倒是不错。。可是在ACCA论坛里有人说BIG4看到Oxford Brooke Degree会多RM200. 而且进入TARC ADVANCE DIPLOMA,你会要求填一张form...写着你不能拿oxford brooke degree了!
生活费高表说先,那边是多种族的人住,连indonesian, bangladesh等,情况可能不会好过tarc
---我乃是这里学生,我的分析纯粹个人意见,赞同就支持。我很理智的分析,自从昨天在Bulletin看见TARC的adv diploma规则。
Students in TARC are mostly those STPM students who have worser result and cannot get into local University.
Sunway 也只不过如此。
在 ****** 那边更糟糕。那些美女会骗你上床,然后要你娶她做老婆,吃完你真的家产。
---他SPM 10A,进入CAT还得Discount 3k..不是$的问题。以后会赚回来的。他2年半就会毕业,adv diploma 4年。一年半discrepancy..可以早吸取working experience.. RM1000x18months=RM18000(assume income RM1k)...赚回了。
Sunway 不是拿 ACCA external examination 的咩?
Degree 也是 equivalent to a degree。这个就如 1 + 1 = 2 和 2 = 2。
---说是equivalent...实际上不是!要去SHU,UK top up...
Updated: 01.53am, 19 March
1. 关于claim exemption, 如果你在Sunway的话,你也不是一样要拿external? Fail了也不是一样要resit? 而且任何external resit 是pay in pound!Internal 至少还有一次机会resit, but pay in RM. 1st Resit Pass 了的话就可以claim exemption 了. 而且你要知道,external script 并不是由本地考官来改,你以为这样会更容易过关吗?
2. 另外,如果你在Sunway 拿ACCA 的话,不也是一样要给external exam fees? 这和给examption fee in Tar 有什么分别?难道你以为claim exemption就不用给exemption fee吗?ACCA 是什么Body?当然是算到足啦.
3. 还用一个很重要的,其实TAR的Adv Dip早在很多年前已经是Degree了(这里面牵涉到政治问题),只不过最近这话提登过报纸,大家才关心了起来.虽是如此,但私人界认不认同是Degree又是另外一回事.据我所知,目前只有Big4 中的KPMG是已经认同的.(其实,Tar的文凭在外面是满吃香的,只不过雇主们尽量压低功钱,所以才不承认吧了)
4. 关于Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).我已说过,TAR's cert已经算是Degree了.所以我并不赞成Top Up 这字眼.应认为是另外拿一张外国文凭.放心,SHU是recognise by MIA (Malaysia Institute of Accountant). 另外, RM40k你是单指学费吗?先学好你的Finance和多看点新闻才来吧.有可能两年内会起高达30多%吗?而且UK不久前才大幅度提高学费,短期内不会再大幅度调整学费.(希望你h会分什么是短期,中期和长期)
5。 不错,人脉关系很重要。识多个有钱佬好过识多个古惑仔。但有时候,不是有钱人才是你的贵人。往往贵人都是你身边的一些朋友。你这样说只会让人觉得你是个只种利益的人。另外,想想,有多少个有钱人会把你当作好朋友看待呢?(若你不是和他们在同一个level的话,很难!)
6. 关于Sunway的治安,你真的以为那里的治安会好到那里去吗?只不过是你不知吧了。告诉你,匪徒往往是对学生下手, Setapak呢, 前后大概只有三四间学院吧,当中Tar是最大间的。 Sunway那一带前前后后大概有十多间学院,而且工业区多,外劳也多。当中的罪案你不知吧了。
7. 最后,有Oxford Brooke Degree的话人工就会多RM200根本就是无稽之谈.新人(无经验,)进BIG4的pay range 大概在RM 2200 – 2400. 正确的pay会视各方面表现而定.不会说你有Oxford Brooke Degree 就给多RM200. 若你想高人工的话,我建议你申请PublicBank / HSBC,fresh entry pay 有RM 2800.
我承认,TAR的确是有很多不足的地方,有时候我也蛮反感TAR的行政。但说实在的,各有各的好啦,若你认为Sunway会比较好的话,go ahead, 没有人会阻止你。
一个有点爱又有点恨TAR 的过来人
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