Note:The number shown in () refers to the relevant old syllabus paper.
Fundamentals Level - Knowledge module (F1-F3)
F1 Accountant in Business AB(1.3)
Chang Shew Leng (KSA)
F2 Management Accounting MA(1.2)
Low Chin Ann (KB)
F3 Financial Accounting FA(1.1)
Yap Kok Wah (KB)
Goh Wern Yit (KSA)
Fundamentals Level - Skills module (F4-F9)
F4 Corporate and Business Law CL(2.2)
Viknes (KSA)
F5 Performance Management PM(N/A)
Chow Kim Tai (FTMS)
Andrew Pang (KSA)
F6 Taxation TX (2.3)
Alan Yeo (KSA)
Low Chin Ann (KB)
Wong Paik Wan (McO)
Siva Nair (FTMS)
Choong Kwai Fatt (Segi) (Revision class only)
F7 Financial Reporting FR(2.5)
Haneef (McO)
Ms Menon (Sunway)
Joe Fang (KSA)
F8 Audit and Assurance AA(2.6)
Sheila (McO)
Philip Woo (KSA)
Low Chin Ann (KB)
Fung Chee Kong (FTMS) ( RI Only )
F9 Financial Management FM(2.4)
Daniel Ho (FTMS)
Andrew Pang (KSA)
Steve Lumby (McO) *RI only
Professional Level - Essentials (P1-P3)
P1 Professional Accountant(N/A)
Sheila (McO)
Philip Woo (KSA)
P2 Corporate Reporting CR(3.6)
Haneef (McO)
Ms Menon (Sunway)
Joe Fang (KSA)
P3 Business Analysis BA(3.5)
Michael (McO)
Parminder (KSA)
Wong Siew Choo (FTMS)
Martin (FTMS) *RI only
Professional Level - Options (P4-P7)
P4 Advanced Financial Management AFM(3.7)
Daniel Ho (FTMS) *august07 intake only
Andrew Pang (KSA)
P5 Advanced Performance Management APM(3.3)
Andrew Pang (KSA)
Chow Kim Tai (FTMS)
P6 Advanced Taxation ATX(3.2)
Choong Kwai Fatt (SEGI)
Chow Chee Yan (McO)
P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance AAA(3.1)
Fung Chee Kong (FTMS)
Jackson (KSA)
1) ACCA Official Website:
2) ACCA 2007 New Syllabus Info
3) Lowyat ACCA/CAT's chat
4) Lowyat Auditor Yam Cha Section
5) FTMS Website
6) Mc Orange Website
7) Kasturi Website
8) Global tuition providers
9) Approved textbook publishers
10) PAAC Home Study Programme(newly added)
11) Kolej Bandar Website
1 comment:
My Name is Viknes 1v37 ACCA
Paper F4 lecturer.
I am now teaching at Kolej Bandar
from January 2009
Please inform students I am at Kolej Bandar.
and NOT to be fooled by Ksa as they are still using my name.
Thank You
viknes 1v37
012 312 1171
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