"Making Money Online Without Any Capital"
This was the topic that i've presented last few weeks.
And i think it was my final English presentation in my college life because this is my last english paper.
This time, our topic is not that restrictive.
We can talk about anything as long as it is "business" related.
And i've made up my mind to talk about How to Make Money Online without any capital.
But when the day i present, it was a bad day for me.
Electricity breakdown....
I couldn't present by using the projector.
Sorry for all my audiences. You all have to focus on my 14" laptop slideshow.
And my efforts were half ended in smoke.
I've prepared 48 slideshow... i put much efforts inside. But too bad..
cannot use the projector... i've inserted a lot of interesting pictures.
Ms Karan, actually i wished to present again...
But, my friends told me it is deemed good already and i think you have no time to listen again right?
And for my final presentation, i didn't memorise like what i did during diploma.
Making money online is the knowledge that i experienced before and i knew well that. So, the day before presentation, i did 3 times rehearsals. And my housemates, my friends came to my house be my audiences.
Everytime i present, definitely got something new or new example in my presentation.
It was not adhered to the script like what the others have presented.
Our presentation is limited to a minimum 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes. Well, my presentation was exceeded 15minutes. Guess how long i've presented?
.........23 minutes.
haha.. My friend, Kok Loong had recorded it.
Luckily Ms Karan didnt talk about that when giving me feedback.
I did present my personal achievement in my presentation. That's why it was too lengthy.
So, how to earn money online?
I am sure u guys know what is that... but you dunnno where to get start right?
Do you know where does the money come from? how come you will get paid online? Do you belive it? and i've presented all these.
Where does the money come from? Do you know?
Think about newspaper and TV station.. the theory is from there.
And the next i've talked about what is e-currency. First, you need a electronic money account. There are lots of e-currency. Paypal, LR, E-gold, Webmoney, Pecunix...
And i have recommended 5 ways to make money online which i have tried it before.
The 1st way: By Blogging
The 2nd way: By Freelancing
The 3rd way: Paid to click or Paid to read
The 4th way: Paid survey and Paid Quiz
The 5th way: Referral Program
Another alternative is paid upload and more..
Inside my slide, i have recommeded a lot of trusted and reliable website which are paying.
I've talked about some tips to avoid losses and to avoid from scams..
It is all my personal experiences.
Frankly i earned a lot of USD.
Because i get involved in Sport betting, head and tails, blackjack casino...
And i dont think i will upload my slide here because i am care of being plagarised by others.
So, for those who want my present slide, do leave me ur email address here.
Especially my classmate... and coursemate...