Last Saturday (28 June) was my red letter day--Convocation.
I went back from KL on 26 June to Penang directly and did not go back hometown. wuwuwu.. miss my home.
Actually i can go back Hometown after my convo because my daddy and brother were going back.
But, my sisters have invited me to a Seminar. This seminar was organised by Tifafine. The whole seminar cost me RM250, but i went for free. Because 3ppl joined, 1 free. My mom, 2 sisters joined, so i could participate FOC. Haha...
Talk back to my Convo... Early at 8am on 28June.. My parents reached TARC faster than me.
I traveled from Sg Dua and dropped some seminar participants to Hotel Continental. When i reached Hotel Continental at early 8am, my parents had arrived in TARC. Wow... they were more aggressive and concern about my convo. Soon, i went back to my ex-hostel, to take my Visitor parking pass and invitation card. I left it there, so forgetful.
The day before Convo, i slept around 3am. My sister bf's sister helped me pinned my gown to make it stationary. Thanks her for helping me until so late. But the pinned graduation gown is fix and not too natural neither flexible. Yong Sheng also there until 2++am..
So, yongsheng's gown and mine were the special one in convo. I think majority just wear it up without pinned.
Convocation... lots of ppl expected me to get Distinction. But i failed to achieve that. My CGPA was 3.7273. Just a little bit discrepancy to reach 3.7500. You know... how sad i feel? There is a lot of opportunity cost forgone. When i reached college... first to do is registration. I went for registration.. that crew took distinction list for me... i couldnt find my name. When i realised that was distinction list.. i told them "No wonder my name not listed in, i am Merit only" Thanks her for judging me so high. I am not that good. Just less a bit of luck and not enough effort, that's why distinction is not belong to me. I got MERIT.. and my lucky line up number was 168. wow... so far behind. Only 0.0227 discrepancy... but my ranking falling to 168 among all Merit holders. Wuwuwu.. no more distinction, cannot be the first batch to get scroll. Further, not only lost my distinction, i lost 75% scholarship as well. Shit!! Perhaps i should forget about it... try my best in Advance Diploma. But, advance really tough!! Hope can cope it well.
What a forgetful mistake i did in Convo ..
I left my name tag in the seat when our line batch were calling up to stage to take scroll.
Luckily it still on the seat with Convo prospectus when i turned back to find.
And so lucky again i managed to flip in on time.
After that... I took photo with friends outside the College Auditorium. I didnt check my SONY Camera... someone else had changed the resolution and the efficiency and quality of photo. All the photo that were not that good quality. I hate it!!!
The gown was too hot. I kept sweating till i get used to it. Bo huat la... 1st time wearing gown... next time i've to wait 2 more years. I'm glad to be the first to graduate and wear graduation gown among all siblings. My two sisters will be graduating this August in UM. Their convocation fall on August. They had studied 4 years in law degree whereas my 2 years diploma faster than them. Haha... So happy for my parents, this year.. 3 of their children graduate. But my graduation is not ultimate one. Diploma only... haha...
Thanks my mummy for giving me a big bouquet of flowers, and also Ah zhi, gavin, yongjing, sinwoi... thanks for your sunflowers, i really like it. And thanks for my sisters for the big bouquet of Sunflowers again which they bought at bayanlepas. It was nice and special.
After my sisters reached my college around 1pm. We took our family photo in College which brought to us by MingSing studio. After that, i returned the gown and left.
I joined Tifafine Seminar afterwards. Really tired and fall asleep in the talk.
I'll share my tifafine seminar in my next post...
There are a lot of photos to be uploaded still..
To be continue..
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