Thursday, July 16, 2009
New blog in the United States
Feel free to drop by and see my recent updates about my life in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
My new blog URL is
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy 21st Birthday Celebration in Malaysia
You're mature!
You're responsible!
You're adult!
21st years old, you can go to bars, house parties, buy drinks or wines legally.
Nobody is gonna stop you from doing so. You're mature and you will most probably think like an adult. You're independent!
Let's see some photos where I teleported back to my home country, Malaysia and celebrated my birthday together with my dearest friends. It was so surprised!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I love the United States
I have uploaded some photos to my Facebook. You guys can check it out!
Eau Claire is really a nice place to stay in. It is a peaceful land. If you feel tired about city life where is chaos and crowded all the time, you can spend you entire life here after your retirement. It is so cool!!
I will update my blog in every weekends. Stay tune.
Here it is:
This was my first time travelling so far away from home. And, I was travelling alone!!

First pit stop: From Kuala Lumpur to Singapore
I stayed at Transit Hotel in Changi Airport!! Kind of boring...

Next Station: Singapore to Narita Tokyo Airport

I got to wait about 3 hours in Japan. McD, I'm loving it.. I changed some money at the money changer counter and bought Fresh Prawn Burger in Japan McDonalds. It was so tasty!! Cant find it in Malaysia!! RM100 just for approximately 2200YEN.

Foods on the plane!! Delicious!!

After another 10hours flight, I reached Minneapolis St. Paul, Minnesota Airport!! Tired! Not enough sleep... Jet Lag!!

Welcome to Minneapolis St Paul International Airport!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cathay Cineleisure's Negligence
"Are you sure your ticket is L15, can you show it to me?" I asked again.
After comparing the tickets with the aid of cell phone screen light...
Wahh.. Seat Number, Hall Number, Movie Title , Price , Time ... Exactly the same!! Unbelievable...
"Sir, I found out your ticket is exactly same as mine, can you borrow me for a while, i gonna ask the personnel outside" I said.
Right after came out from cinema, I saw one crew was passing by, I approached him and ask about what's happened to my tickets. I met with some other cinemagoers who were having such a problem too. The crew asked us to follow them and they are gonna check the tickets at their database.

... ... ... 10 minutes gone, the show has been started... ... ...
After that we followed the crew to go upstair again. We went into the cinema again!! Stand a while to watch the show. wow.. i saw there was a fierce fight between transformers at the beginning of the show.
The crew called us out, they have checked and they informed us that our tickets are invalid because it is 11:45AM, not 11:45PM. Gosh!!
They brought us to the ticket counter, then asked us to deal with the personnel.
It sounds like they always have this kind of technical problems.
My sister was there, she spoke to the crew and sought for the manager on duty.
We explained the problem to the manager.
Actually we bought the ticket in the morning around 10AM, we wanted to watch it at night which is 11:45PM, but they gave us 11:45AM instead of 11:45PM.
My sister asked for compensation. She requested for REFUND plus FREE 3 TICKETS for tomorrow Transformer.
The request has been rejected and we are only able to claim refund. It spoiled our mood!! We went back home with full of disappointment and freaking bad mood.

I talked to my sister, I'm gonna sue them!!!
The lawyer (my sister) has spoken to me, the printed ticket mistake is a contributory negligence, which both parties need to be responsible.
As a cinemagoer, we need to check the time and title of our movie before leaving the counter.
As a cinema crew, they need to make sure their customers preference on time selection.
The part that we pinpointed and able to sue for negligence of Cineleisure is:
We were allowed to enter to the cinema hall after the ticket checking by their crew.
This was their fault.
If this is a VIP Platinum Movie showroom, and such a technical problem occurred, the chance of winning is higher.
What we can do is write a letter of complain to them as a feedback for them to improve their service to eliminate such a problem.
End up, we go back home with bad mood. I am here to express my dissatisfaction on Cineleisure service. This is the first time i faced such a problem. I will definitely will check the tickets before leaving the counter!!

Picture taken at 12.07AM, 25 June 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
4 injections today!! Just like drug addict..
Not you say you wanna go, then the next day can go ady..
there is no such thing!!
First, You need to take TOEFL exam (US), IELTS (UK).
When you got your university.. it still a lot of procedures that you need to go through...
Today, I went to Kelana Jaya Medical Centre with my GPS.

Private hospital is faster and I almost get everything done in 3hours.
Luckily I have had my blood test in Pathlab last month, the blood test is quite a comprehensive one. So, some other records can be referred to my blood test report.
I have just realised that I never had tetanus booster vaccine when I was small.
SEE MY BIRTH CERT BELOW: (Tetanus Booster is Blank)

And I forgot whether I have had the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccines. So, I decided to take it one more time.
As to the requirement of my University, I need to take Meningococcal vaccine. It is the most expensive one among all. It costs me RM108 for that injection.
What I have done in KJMC today are as below:
1. Chest X-ray
2. ECG
3. Vision examination
4. Meningococcal Vaccine (Menomune)
5. MMR Vaccine
6. Tetanus Vaccine (ATT)
7. Tuberculin Skin Test
8. Physical Examinations
Doctor said I am just like a drug addict when I've completed all the 4 injections.

For Tuberculin Skin Test, the vaccine dosage has a total of 15ml, but I need only 1ml. So, it can be used for 15 ppl. However, it will only last for 24hours once the seal is opened. I need to pay for the whole vaccine dosage. It costs me RM90 for that. If divided by 15, only RM6.
Doctor asks me to call my other friends who wanna do Tuberculin Test, it is Free of Charge since I have paid the fee. Otherwise it will be wasted and throw away.
24 Hours from 17 June 2009, 1.30pm. Who wanna do the test, go KJMC tomorrow before afternoon!!
I have called up my Kelvin, Gin Seng, Anna, they are busy and cannot go there tomorrow. So, i think it is gonna be wasted!!
After the Tuberculin Vaccine, the report is gonna come out 48-72hours after the injection. Doctor is gonna check my injection area, that's why he marked it with permanent marker pen. So, I need to go back KJMC to get my Tuberculin Skin Test result on Friday.
After that, I will be going back to my Hometown, Jitra and come back to KL on 22nd June.
Say Bye to TARC!
1 year deferment is my opportunity cost...
I would say nothing is perfect in the world.
You've gotta know how to give and take.
I will definitely miss the ACCA December 2009 exam sitting. And, only be able to take my core papers on June sittings.
What I am planning to do is:
1.Not to bother so much and go enjoy my life in US for the rest of year 2009.
2.Back from US, go KSA, Orange for ACCA tuition.
3.Take up ACCA core papers in June 2010 sitting.
4.Enroll in TARC AFA2 on June.
5.Get my ACCA result on August. (crunch time!! hope to pass all papers)
6.Sit for optional papers in ACCA December 2010 Exam.
7.February 2011, ACCA result released.
8.Become ACCA affiliate!!
9.Complete AFA2.
10.July 2011 - Dec 2011 Go BCU for Master in Accounting and Finance.
Friday, June 12, 2009
USA, See you next month!! I am coming!!
Finally, dreams come true...
On 4th July, USA National Day, I will be arriving in Wisconsin.
It's less than 1 month to get myself prepared.
Hope everything can be done in time.
All the best!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Back to my college, miss my workplace so much..

Now, I get back to college life, but still not in the mood for studies. I miss my internship place.
Well, whenever passing by One Utama, I still remember vividly the period I worked in Deloitte for my internship. Every morning around 8am and evening 6pm, I will pass by this place. It is 1Utama. The biggest shopping mall in Malaysia.

And this was my group partition, it is nice and organised. The picture is shot by my Samsung Omnia in continuous taking mode.

Time flies… It has been 3 months and 2 weeks I put my time and efforts in my work with Deloitte. It’s just like my another home here.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the people who have came across in my life in this fulfilling and knowledgeable based journey in Deloitte.
1. To my master and my Group A1 members for their guidance in teaching me the ethnics and imparting their knowledge and experience to me in taxation profession.
2. To all my colleagues for all the friendship, affection and support through ups and downs.
Thank you for the supports and advices given to me during my vacation training in Deloitte and I will always remember your kind gratitude and gestures in my heart.
All these experience have made me a stronger and a better person and it is a great stepping stone for me to have myself prepared for my next challenges in my future.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Pit stop and update!
This is because I am BUSY!!
Working life is totally different with study life!
Through out my internship life in big firm, i realised that my 50% of time has been contributed to my work. Usually, i wake up at 7am and prepare to go for work, and reach home almost at 7-8pm after taking my dinner. Can you imagine that?
No choice, when going to work and back from work, the most terrible thing to be sufferred is -
I've get used to my life. Although in weekend, i will wake up before 9am as well. My lifestyle has been changed. Totally changed! In college life, some class or tutorial is on afternoon. I still could recall that i always wake up at 12-1pm.
Recently, I am damn busy because of Form E submission which the deadlline is at 31 March.
Further, individual tax computation is to be filed soon and to be submitted before 30 April.
Time is wait for no man, I has been working for almost two months already since the date i updated my blog here.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Amazing.. Egg can stand without backing!!


Sunday, February 1, 2009
CNY Gathering 2009

Oh my... it has been quite a long time I did not update my blog.
The above photos are the 1st round gathering in Changloon, Soo Ping's house.
We started off from my house to Pulau Nyior, Padang Sera, Kodiang and headed to Changloon.
After that, we went to second gathering at OXC's house, Tmn Golf, Darulaman.
Reached there around 10.45pm.
I met some old friends where we have lost contact since Form5.
They are Huimin(Korea), Teik Yee, Nee chin, Aijia, Jieying...
It was a great and wonderful gathering.
Below are the photos in OXC's house. (All the photos are grabbed from Wei Aak's facebook)

Sunday, January 25, 2009
新年后,我二月就要去Deloitte 上班了。
Corporate Tax部门。